Luminous Orange - Songs of Innocence

Sea of Lights

Songs of Innocence


1. Song of Innocence (4:52)
2. Untold (5:15)
3. Sea of Lights (4:31)
4. Autumn Song (6:43)
5. Riverboat (5:31)
6. I Saw No More (4:04)
7. Yuekin Spring Moon (5:33)
8. Violet (4:23)
9. Dusk, Train and the Bridge (3:44)
10. Blaze of Light (5:02)
11. Song of Experience (4:53)


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Luminous Orange - Drop You Vivid Colors

Starred Leaf

Mother Pearl

Drop You Vivid Colors


1. Drop You Vivid Color (4:36)
2. How High (3:43)
3. the Sky (5:20)
4. Turbo R (3:30)
5. Give a Hint (3:30)
6. Utatane no Hibi (4:52)
7. Starred Leaf (6:03)
8. Mother Pearl (5:00)
9. Sun Ray (4:56)
10. Rusty Wheel (5:59)


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